It's with the mother of all hangovers i write this on my second day of being 31.
We got back to Sydney yesterday for my birthday; now, i don't know if it's a sign of my increasing years or i'm just really missing Jimmy but the first thing i wanted to do on my special day was to go and get a back rub off a middle age chinese man. This, in hindsight, might have been a bit of a mistake as all that happened was he pummelled me into submission by jabbing his elbow in my back and touched my bum for much longer than i believe is strictly required for a standard massage. Also, the only lasting effect of the 'treatment' is that my left eyeball throbbed for almost twenty four hours.
Sandra bought me a hip flask as a present so i will be able begin my final fully fleged descent into alcoholism. She also got us tickets to go and watch Matchbox 20 last night. They were very good, very American and played for ages. We made another unsuccessful attempt to go out for a drink after the gig but it seemed that all the local pubs were having a St Helen's theme night (the theme being rough women/bar room brawls) so we called it a night.
In an attempt to shake off the post birthday hangover we took a boat trip around Sydney Harbour which was exhilirating. The opera house is really crap though it looks like a cross between a Mid Seventies inner city shopping centre and a magistrates court but much much smaller. We did get to see Russell Crowe & Nicole Kidman's house's on the way though, which was nice.
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