Sunday, 13 April 2008

Tuggerah Lake, The Entrance, NSW

It was a welcome three hour journey out of Sydney in the rain and up the coast (the first part by train, the second by bus). We arrived at the entrance, a stunning village on a rural peninsula (alas, there will be no photos for a while because someone - ok, me - left the camera in Sydney and we won't be back to pick it up for another week or so).

We are staying in a beautiful log cabin on the banks of Lake Tuggerah where Sandra goes out every morning to feed the pelicans and the ducks who are so tame they eat out of your hand. Over the road is the beach - raw and unspoilt white sand and the rolling greeny blue waves of the Tasmin Sea.

The closest shops are half an hour's walk away along the banks of the lake and thepeople couldn't be anymore friendly; the bloke in the offy didn't want to see us struggling so he dropped the beer off after work for us ('Greg with the grog')

It goes dark at half in the afternoon, and i mean pitch dark as there are no street lights and you can barely see six foot in front of your face. As a result our body clocks have changed and we are going to bed at nine and waking up at six. The telly here has only three channels and is pretty crap. Jamie Oliver even turned up on one station so we went to bed at eight that night.

The views and the wildlife are amazing so we go and buy a couple of disposable cameras> When we put them into be processed i am just to ask for the one hour's service the woman says "You do know that that is going to take atleast seven days lovey, it's got to be sent to Melbourne."

We spend our days between walking the lake and sitting on the beach. Despite it being Autumn the temperature is somewhere between eighty and ninety and my skin has even turned from it's slighlty transparent blue to a lobster red.

The manageress of the park we are staying on came over started telling us about a national park up the road. It was stunning she said but her mind went blank when she tried to recall it's name. At that point a small boat moored up at the banks and she called over

"Louie, What's the name of the park up north?"

Louie emerged clutching a fishing rod. He was a tiny man wearing vests and sunglasses, he was weathered by years in the sun and only had one massive front tooth.

"The one where those guy's out walking found that bloke who'd hung himself?"

She shot Louie a look to shut up.

"Anyway, if you just stay on the road it's about 5-6 minutes max on..."

"And then of course" it was Louie again "That was where they found the body of that fifteen year old about six months ago."

We've got another week here so we are going to avoid going to the national park.

And talking to Louie again.

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